>>I came across one independent website that provide facility to compare available unit trust fund in Malaysia.In the website,the comparison is conducted in tabular form and I am going to elaborate as lay as possible.
>> This comparison is subjected to my knowledge and the only resource available(which is the website).
>> The comparison is trying to cater almost similar equity fund for 3 Companies(Am,CIMB and Public). (I try to compare "an apple to an apple")
>> I welcome any comment and feedback.


1 - Sales charge & annual management fee & MER : These charges imposed by investment company to handle their operations(investing,printing,legal,etc).The lower charges imposed to investor,the better.The winner is Public Ittikal Fund.
2 - Fund return : This is the crucial part.Every investor is looking on return that they will get for every penny that they put in investment.Therefore,the higher the return,the better.So,without any dispute,the obvious winner is CIMB DALI Equity Growth fund.
**Again,this comparison website is independent and not subjected to any company.So, the projected equity funds has their own strength and weakness.At the last part of the website,"Investors are advised to read and understand the fund prospectus before investing"
**one company may win in one category of fund and may lose in other fund.Therefore,you have to know what kind of fund that you are investing in.
Happy investing.
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