Saturday, November 27, 2010


Assalamualaikum pembuka bicara...

Perubahan dalam posting kali ni,Bahasa Melayu.

OK.Gambar di atas menunjukkan punca-punca yang dikenalpasti sebagai penyumbang utama kepada kesempitan perbelanjaan untuk rakyat Malaysia.Sumber dipetik dari majalah 'Personal Money' edisi September 2010.

Berdasarkan laporan Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK);sebuah agensi di bawah BNM yang memberikan bantuan dan nasihat bagi mengurangkan kes hutang tidak berbayar; dua(2) punca utama kesukaran membayar hutang adalah:

1) Belanja perubatan yang tinggi !!
2) Perancangan kewangan yang tidak bijak !!

Kedua-dua masalah utama ini boleh diatasi dengan 'utilization of investment vehicle' (penggunaan kenderaan pelaburan?weird..),iaitu takaful insurans & unit amanah.

Takaful Insurans
Bagaimana?Takaful insurans memberi pampasan jika pencarum/peserta ditimpa musibah hingga menyebabkan keadaan cacat kekal kepada tubuh badan atau menyebabkan kematian.
Kalau tidak mahu perlindungan takaful?Fikirkan apa harta yang kita tinggalkan kepada waris kita untuk melangsaikan kos perubatan jika mengalami cacat kekal & masih hidup ATAU hutang-hutang kita jika meninggal dunia.

Takaful insurans memberikan fast cash with high liquidity, dimana waris pencarum akan dapat segera(dalam 7-30 hari bkerja).Adakah simpanan/pelaburan kita mampu memberikan RM 100000 jika kita telah menyimpan/melabur sebanyak serendah RM100 selama sebulan?MUSTAHIL.Tetapi takaful insurans boleh.Pampasan inilah yang kita harapkan untuk menampung kesulitan yang bakal dihadapi waris disebabkan ketiadaan/ketidakupayaan kita.
Jangan biarkan waris menderita disebabkan kita.Fikir-fikirkan.

Unit Amanah
Selepas takaful insurans,barulah fungsi unit amanah diperlukan.Fungsi unit amanah?Pelajaran anak-anak,membeli rumah,persediaan selepas pencen dsb.Unit amanah merupakan penambahan kepada perancangan kewangan seseorang selepas takaful insurans.Jangan terkejar-kejar kemewahan (unit amanah)dengan mengabaikan perkara asas dalam perancangan kewangan yang boleh menyebabkan kesulitan kewangan kelak (insurans takaful).

Pandangan diatas adalah pandangan peribadi yang lahir dari pemerhatian/pembacaan/penelitian saya seorang rakyat marhain.Tetapi wajarlah dipertimbangkan.Jangan lah nanti kita menjadi hamba kepada sistem yang direka manusia sendiri.

"Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hukum Mempromosikan Produk Insurans Konvensional Menurut Perspektif Syariah

"... Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-89 yang bersidang pada 14 - 16 Disember 2009 berpandangan bahawa sistem takaful berlandaskan syariah sedang pesat berkembang dan memerlukan sokongan umat Islam dalam usaha untuk memartabatkan sistem muamalat Islam" .Info lanjut :

Friday, October 22, 2010

FAQ Unit Trust (2)

What is the Selling Price?
The price at which an investor purchases units from the Manager.

What is the Repurchase Price?
The price at which an investor redeems his units.

How is the Selling Price / Repurchase Price determined?
-Both Selling Price & Repurchase Price is determined at the end of each Business Day.

-The Selling Price of a unit is based on the Net Asset Value(NAV) of a unit in the fund plus a sales charge. The Repurchase Price of a unit is based on the Net Asset Value of a unit in the fund less a repurchase charge, if any.

-The sales charge is computed separately based on the net investment amount.

-The repurchase charge is also computed separately based on the net withdrawal amount / repurchase amount.

What is the sales charge/front-load?
The sales charge is a fee that is payable to the Manager for the purchase of units of a fund.It is computed separately based on the net investment amount payable by the investor.

Can I choose to be paid by cheque for my distribution ?
No. However,you can redeem the reinvested units for cash at any time by making a request to repurchase all or part of your units. A cheque will then be issued to you for the amount redeemed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fund Comparison (AmIttikal , Dali CIMB & Public Ittikal)


>>I came across one independent website that provide facility to compare available unit trust fund in Malaysia.In the website,the comparison is conducted in tabular form and I am going to elaborate as lay as possible.

>> This comparison is subjected to my knowledge and the only resource available(which is the website).

>> The comparison is trying to cater almost similar equity fund for 3 Companies(Am,CIMB and Public). (I try to compare "an apple to an apple")

>> I welcome any comment and feedback.




1 - Sales charge & annual management fee & MER : These charges imposed by investment company to handle their operations(investing,printing,legal,etc).The lower charges imposed to investor,the better.The winner is Public Ittikal Fund.

2 - Fund return : This is the crucial part.Every investor is looking on return that they will get for every penny that they put in investment.Therefore,the higher the return,the better.So,without any dispute,the obvious winner is CIMB DALI Equity Growth fund.

**Again,this comparison website is independent and not subjected to any company.So, the projected equity funds has their own strength and weakness.At the last part of the website,"Investors are advised to read and understand the fund prospectus before investing"

**one company may win in one category of fund and may lose in other fund.Therefore,you have to know what kind of fund that you are investing in.

Happy investing.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dividend as one of price correction's instrument

There are 2 methods for price correction.
1) Dividend
2) Unit split

In this post,I am going to educate about dividend distribution and what will happen to NAV after the distribution.

Let say;
>> Amount to invest: RM 50000
>> Current NAV price: RM 1.0593
>> Give out dividend: 5 cents per unit hold

>>Unit that the investor will receive if he/she is going to invest:
[(50000/1.065)/1.0593] = 44320.17 units
NOTE: 1.065 is one-time charge imposed(including management fee and printing twice a year prospectus and so on)

>>Dividend earned(percentage):
(0.05/1.0593)*100 = 4.72%
NOTE: 0.05 is from 5cents

>> Dividend earned(RM):
44320.17 unit * RM 0.0472 = RM 2091.91

>> Expected NAV after dividend distribution:
(1/1.0472) * 1.0593 = RM 1.0115

RM 2091.91 is amount of dividend that investor will receive if he/she wants to take out his/her investment right after dividend distribution.However, he/she will incur clear losses if he/she takeout the investment right after the distribution since amount that he/she will receive is [(44320.17 units * RM 1.0115) + RM 2091.91] = RM46291.76;less than the initial investment,RM50000 .I mention about this because some investors planning to do this tactic; takeout their investment right after dividend distribution.

Unit trust is medium to long term investment. (There is no clear cut duration to define medium to long term. But for me, 5yrs is considered as medium). Therefore,just continue with your saving. Below is the extra units earned and total units earned when he/she continue the investment.

>> Extra unit earned:
RM 2091.91/1.0115 = 2068.12 units

>> Total unit earned by investor after dividend distribution:
44320.17 units + 2068.12 units = 46388.29 units

In unit trust, amount of units hold by investor is important since it will determine your return when you want to redeem your investment. Just holds your investment until the NAV is goes up again and in the same time wait for BONUS/DIVIDEND and UNIT SPLIT from your investment company.Again, unit trust is medium to long term investment.

TIPS: Invest right after dividend declaration/unit split give out/bonus is also a best tactic since NAV is low and you will earn extra units for that.

:mGelak: :mGelak: :mGelak: :mGelak:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Six Simple Steps to Investing with CIMB Wealth Advisors

1. Define your investment goals
>> For retirement/education/Hajj & Umrah/travel/marriage/buy property

2. Decide your time horizon and risk tolerance
>> 'By the end of 10 years, I want to have RM 100000 for my son to enter University in United Kingdom'

>> 'I wanted to get married when I am 27 years old (which is 5 years from now)'

>> Unit trust is medium to long term investment (3/5/7 years) and the fund risk is differ for every listed funds.

3. Understand the products and decide what suits your investment portfolio

4. Practise asset allocation
>> Asset allocation is a diversification technique that aims to create an optimal portfolio of investments across asset classes for a given level of risk. The theory behind this is that every asset class has different correlation to its counterparts.

>> Never put all eggs in one basket. Build your investment portfolio through asset diversification.

5. Practise regular investment
>> In CIMB wealth advisor, monthly investment and savings could be as low as RM200.

6. Review and rebalance your investment portfolio from time to time
>> Here, the importance of having agent that could provide the information of your investment.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dividend distribution for DALI2 & Principal Equity Fund

Below is the dividend declaration for 2 funds :

1)CIMB Islamic Dali Equity Fund (a.k.a DALI2)
>> 5 cents for each unit holds by investor.
>> for investment before 12May 2010

2)CIMB Principal Equity Fund
>> 6.5 cents for each unit holds by investor
>> for investment before 4June 2010

For your understanding, below is the example of calculation.

If you new and wanted to invest RM 10000, and current NAV for DALI2 is 1.1063,
> number of you will receive is RM10000/1.065/1.1063 = 8487.45 units
> number of dividend you will receive is 8487.45 * 5cents = RM 424.37

You don't have to invest for at least one year before you you get dividend.If you invest before date stated,you can enjoy dividend distribution with CIMB Wealth Advisor.

Further info,kindly contact me at 012 2110960

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dana Al-Ihsan 1&2

"Introducing....The most performing fund in CIMB Wealth Advisor....."

DALI 1 !! And.......

>> Return for 3-year is 39.51% (average return = 13.17 % p.a. !!!)

>> Example of Holdings being invested :
Axiata Group Berhad, Sime Darby Berhad, Tenaga Nasional, IOI Corporation Berhad, PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad

>>Example of sector allocation :
Industrial Products (43.73%), Telecommunications (11.50%),Oil&Gas (7.29%)

>>Award :
BEST ISLAMIC FUND in The International Takaful Awards 2009

DALI 2 !!

Summary :
>> Return for 5-year is 71.1%(average return = 14.22% p.a. !!!!)

>> Example of Holdings being invested :
Axiata Group Berhad, Sime Darby Berhad, Tenaga Nasional, IOI Corporation Berhad, Maxis Communication Berhad.

>>Example of sector allocation :
Industrial (21.67%), Basic Materials(11.31%),Technology (10.48%)

>>Investment style :
-Exposed to international market.
-In 2006, it had started to invest in Asia Pacific,example in JAPAN

Awards received

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Basic concept of Total Wealth Solution By CIMB Wealth Advisor

Do you have what it takes to 'Create,Protect&Preserve' you, your family and beloved one?

Wealth Creation:

- Do you want to buy your own car, house and other properties?

- Vacation to Paris, Rome and other parts of world are among your wish list?

- According to reliable research study, average retired people could only spend RM400 - RM700 a month to ensure that their EPF savings could last until they reach 75 years old. That is one of the reason why retired people has to have part time work to help them to survive after their retirement. Do you think that amount is enough in this world that will gradually inflate? Don't you want to settle down and relax after your retirement?

- Who to blame when you can't afford your children's higher education? Don't your children deserve better education?

- Planning to perform Umrah & Hajj in 10 years time with savings RM200 a month?

Wealth Protection:

- Do you have source of income until your retirement should you involved in severe accident?

- Do your family have alternative incomes should you as the only breadwinner, suffer Total Permanent Disabilty (TPD) that prevent you to perform any jobs?

- Do you inherit debts to your family instead of wealth? Will this ease burden to your beloved family?

Wealth Preservation:
- Amanah Raya is still holding uncollected inheritance estimated about RM8 billion. Why do this happen?Because many of the dead peoples does not nominate any beneficieries to inherit their wealth.Sadly, most of the uncollected inheritance is for Malay.

- Process of Faraid takes many years to be process? Hassle, tiring, & costly inheritance process?

If you agree/disagree or need further explanation about Total Wealth Solution concept by CIMB Wealth Advisor,I can be reach at 012 211 0960.

Certification by FIMM

A proof of certified unit trust consultant

Saturday, April 17, 2010

FAQ Unit Trust

1) What is Unit Trust

    A collective investment scheme, which pools the savings of investors with similar investment objectives in a special "trust" fund; managed by professional fund managers. The pooled monies in the unit trust fund will then be invested in a diversified portfolio of securities and other assets in accordance with the unit trust fund's investment objectives and as permitted under the Securities Commission's (SC) Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds.

2) Advantages of Unit Trust

  • Offer diversification
    Investors can own units of a portfolio that comprise many investments. The unit trust investors are protected from volatility through the bigger number and wider range of stocks in the unit trust portfolio.

  • High liquidity
    Most people want to invest in instruments that allow them to get their money out quickly. By buying an investment that has low liquidity or cannot be easily sell is not a good investment. Ideally, the investment can be easily sold and cashed within a short period of time.

  • Unit trust schemes provide this high liquidity benefit. Under the Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds, whenever an investor wants to cash his units, the unit trust management company must pay the proceeds of repurchasing the units as soon as possible, at most within 10 days of receiving the order to repurchase.
  • Professional Management
    People who invest in unit trusts get the service of professional fund managers.Unit trust schemes enjoy the depth of knowledge and experience from designated fund managers. Their expertise help investors generate above average investment returns.

  • Investment Exposure
    Unit trust schemes provide alternative for small investor to invest in real estate, international securities and corporate bonds using minimal amount of money.As an example, if you have RM1000 to invest, definitely you won't be able to buy one lot of stock of a company that is selling at RM5000 per lot. Rather than having to buy the whole chunk, unit trust schemes allow small investors to a small portion according to the amount he has to invest. You can therefore tailor the amount of your investment according to the amount of money you have at your disposal.

  • Low Investment Costs
    If you buy shares directly from the stock market, you have to pay transaction costs such as broker commissions. Percentage-wise, this is higher than the amount paid by large institutional investors such as the fund managers of unit trusts. Unit trust fund managers invest in large amounts. This allows them to get access to institutional rates of return. Small investor have no access to this if you invest in the market directly.

3) Disadvantages of Unit Trust

  • Time Horizon
    Unit trusts are generally medium to long-term investments,which may not suit all investors.

  • Volatility
    Prices fluctuate daily according to market movements,may not suit all investors’ needs.

  • Cost involved
    Because professionals administer unit trusts, there are certain costs involved.